Way to go kiddos! The first day of kindergarten- a big day in the life of a child. But monumentally bigger even to the life of a parent! Like seismic event big. You were probably a bit of a mess but you made it. Seriously, you know you were a mess!
It is not just the sheer emotion of realizing how fast the time has gone by and how big and independent they are becoming, some of the anxiety we feel comes from sending our child into a new world that frankly, we are not a large part of. A whole school full of teachers and students and new experiences that we do not control. And let's face it we have pretty much been in charge of every detail of the thier lives for the past 5 years! This is not easy to adjust to.
And we know that it is a good thing. That it has to happen. Right? But we still want to be involved and know what is going on. Guess what? You can be involved and you can know what is going on.
That is what this blog is all about. We are all in this together for our kids.
So - sign up to be a room parent. Check out a PTA meeting or better yet join the PTA. Find out what it does and how you can become involved. Help out in the library. There are so many ways that you can participate in this part of your kids life. And then you will not have to wonder what is going on at school.
Come on - you know you thought about peaking in the window to see how they were doing.